Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

Twerton Tapestry

 Twerton Tapestry

Venue: Newark Works, 2 Foundry Ln, Bath BA2 3DZ
Open 11am to 6pm 27 May to 10 June / 11am to 3pm on Sun 11 June
Fully accessible, see map for full details.

This is the Twerton Tapestry, by people who live in and around Twerton. Made over the winter of 2022-23 by many hands, over many cups of tea,  each part holds a story, a special place or a memory. The resulting collaboration is not only a visually warm, curious and engaging work of art, it is a representation of many lives lived, entangled with each other and with the Avon valley itself.

The Twerton Tapestry is both a challenge to the power dynamics of mapping and a celebration of communities and the rich social histories that weave it together. It came about as a way to foreground and record personal stories about memories and experiences of Twerton, an area of Bath with a long and continuous cultural and industrial history, often overshadowed by the grandiosity of the Georgian city centre.

An audio description accompanies the piece to offer back stories and context to the tapestry elements.

 Every part of this tapestry has been created by hand, by visitors to Creative Twerton,  a free community space run by Little Lost Robot Studio, providing free food and refreshments alongside engaging creative activities. All sessions are led by professional artists. Little Lost Robot is working with the Vacant Unit Action Group within the Regeneration Project at Bath and North East Somerset Council to reinvigorate and care for empty spaces and bring them back to life and active participation in their locations.

Curated by Kate Bevan
instagram @studiolostrobot

Creative Twerton is proudly supported by B&NES Council, Creativity Works, Arts Council England, West of England Combined Authority, and Bath Spa University.