Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025
2023 - The Eternal Journal Project.png

The Eternal Journal Project

 The Eternal Journal Project

Venue: Newark Works, 2 Foundry Ln, Bath BA2 3DZ
Open 11am to 6pm 27 May to 10 June / 11am to 3pm on Sun 11 June
Fully accessible, see map for full details.

The Eternal Journal Project was dreamt up by artist and creative facilitator Amy Shiner. The project aims to bring awareness to Studio Upstairs and similar organisations around the country by creating a collaborative journal highlighting how creativity can help with health and wellbeing. Studio Upstairs is a non-profit arts and health charity based in Bristol providing creative community hubs for people with emotional and mental health challenges.

Amy’s mum had a mental health diagnosis and would have hugely benefited from a place like Studio Upstairs. Her creativity wasn’t encouraged and she didn’t have a supportive place like Studio Upstairs where she could connect and create with others. Being part of a shared studio space can create a sense of community and purpose. Amy is passionate about helping creatives like her mum by raising awareness for a charity which is close to her heart.

Amy discovered the powerful benefits that creative journaling can have on our health and wellbeing at a time in her life when she was lost and grieving and experiencing a creative block. She learnt that creative journaling can be a supportive way to connect visually to our thoughts, experiences and emotions and to express them creatively.

Amy ran a series of creative journaling workshops at Studio Upstairs where the journal was started by members, volunteers and studio managers, each creating a page to add to the journal.

The Eternal Journal will be exhibited at Fringe Arts Bath and Amy will be running workshops so others will have a chance to add to the journal with the vision to create the longest collaborative journal ever!

Follow the ever growing journal on instagram @eternaljournalproject

Curated by Amy Shiner.