Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025
The Shape of Light and Shadows.jpg

The Shape of Light and Shadows

The Shape of Light and Shadows

Venue: Walcot Chapel, Walcot Gate, Bath BA1 5UG
Open 11am to 6pm, 5 to 11 June
Fully accessible, see map for full details.

Artist: Jon Raine

Jon Raine is driven by concepts that make new meanings. His video and 3D-printed sculptures Shape of Light are computer-generated using scans and photos captured from reality. For ‘The Shape of Light and Shadows’ exhibition, Jon’s work will fill Walcot Chapel with video and sculpture made in a virtual place, brought to a physical space for the viewer to walk around.

Additional 'Shape of Light and Shadows' video and sculptures are appearing at the Newark Works venue from 26th May - 11 June. See map for info.

Jon Raine, Cast Shadow - The Elderly

Jon Raine, Intensity of Light - Stonehenge