FaB Festival 24 May - 8 June 2024
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Fresh Art @ 2023

Venue: Bath Artists’ Studios, Comfortable Place, Bath BA1 3AJ
Open 11am to 4pm 27 May to 11 June
Fully accessible, see map for full details.

Fresh Art @ 2023

Fresh Art @ 2023 Exhibition and Celebrating 10 years!

Participants of this year’s Fresh Art @ Project are proudly exhibiting their artwork at Bath Artists’ Studios as part of @fringeartsbath

Come and see this year's exciting art work and celebrate the end of this innovative 10 year partnership project.

Fresh Art@ is an innovative partnership project involving Creativity Works, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, HCRG Care Group, Bath Museums, Bath Mind and local artists. Fresh Art @ is for people facing transition in their lives whilst supporting their wellbeing with creativity.

Creative taster sessions will be held on Monday 5th June and Wednesday 7th June, 1pm to 5pm.
Please contact jaq@creativityworks.org.uk or phone 07921 880 056 if you would like to come along.

Curated by Creativity Works Fresh Art @ 2023 Project

Find out more: creativityworks.org.uk/what-we-do/for-mental-health/about-fresh-art