Sent From...
Kirsty Bunce, 2024
Sent From…
Call-out to Artists:
Inspired by the beauty and sadness in finding old postcards in charity shops and second-hand bookshops, reading these lost letters from strangers of which you will most likely not cross paths with. Through these messages and accounts, you receive a raw insight into another time and another life.
‘Sent From…’ invites you to design and write a postcard, anonymously. It could be (but not limited to) to a friend, family member, politician, acquaintance or even a stranger to express, through design and writing, unsaid sentiments or words. Using the format of a postcard, the theme of the content is open but should be personal to you. Reflecting the writing, the image can be created and designed using any materials the only restrictions being that it can be printed as a physical card and not created using A.I. Open to any age and any ability.
Chosen artists will be invited to send their postcards in the post.
Curated by Kirsty Bunce
Kirsty is an Illustration student at the University of Hertfordshire. She creates colourful, bold line illustrations often inspired by the natural world and events and experiences in day-to-day life. She enjoys illustrating bouncy characters and combining her other interests such as history and birds into her work. She uses a mixture of mediums in her work with a current focus on print and digital media, utilising textures and layers.
LinkedIn: kirsty-bunce-art
How to send in your work:
To submit your work: please email the Curator including:
NB: please include the exhibition / project name in the email title.
max 200 words about your work and how it fits the call-out (written, audio file, video or another way to suit you).
some images of the work, or links to video / performance work (or existing work if it hasn’t been made yet).
any relevant links, if you have them (though it’s not a requirement and Curators might not have the capacity to visit them all).
of course please include any questions you have.
you might not hear back from Curators until after the deadline, thank you for your patience.
Fringe Arts Bath Festival will take place 23 May to 7 June 2025
Submission deadline: Friday 11th April 2025 at 23h59 GMT
Media accepted: Physical postcard 4"x6" any form of media (including but not limited to mixed media, digital, photography, collage... (No AI)
Free submission. All are welcome to apply, of any age, status, and from anywhere in the world.
If selected, we ask Artists for a £22 contribution (like crowdfunding) and/or to give some of their time, as we are all volunteers. Please read our FAQs here to find out more.
See all 20 projects open to submissions on our home page: