Call-out to Artists:
Image by Geoff Dunlop
SCREENPLAY will present a diverse set of works made for light projection or digital display. The emphasis will be on pieces that reach beyond the conventions of narrative, information and persuasion. Of course, artists have been exploring such possibilities from the very inception of moving pictures, through works intended to surprise, challenge, reflect upon and even reinvent the familiar uses of the screen in its most familiar surroundings.
Usually, the second part of the word “screenplay” implies writing and drama but in this enterprise we are using the word to describe other fields of play - for example, play as a source of release and joy, or play in terms of music and other sounds, dance and other movement, poetry and other words, light and other phenomena. And play with ideas, opinions and arguments.
Throughout the FaB festival, screens will be placed around Bath, streaming a flow of scheduled presentations. But, on weekends and on some evenings, the open space in front of a big screen will be filled with live action, in dialogue with the digits and pixels. A drama of interaction.
Individual artists are invited to submit up to five distinct works, or a set of interactions in response to what is happening on the screen. Groups of artists can submit collectively, with a participation fee being charged for each set of five works.
Curated by Geoff Dunlop
Geoff Dunlop has curated six successful exhibitions with FaB. In each of them he has gathered together strong visual work with events, happenings, interactions and conversations.
How to send in your work:
To submit your work: please email the Curator including:
NB: please include the exhibition / project name in the email title.
max 200 words about your work and how it fits the call-out (written, audio file, video or another way to suit you).
some images of the work, or links to video / performance work (or existing work if it hasn’t been made yet).
any relevant links, if you have them (though it’s not a requirement and Curators might not have the capacity to visit them all).
of course please include any questions you have.
you might not hear back from Curators until after the deadline, thank you for your patience.
Fringe Arts Bath Festival will take place 23 May to 7 June 2025
Submission deadline: Friday 11th April 2025 at 23h59 GMT
Media accepted: Moving picture, Projections
Free submission. All are welcome to apply, of any age, status, and from anywhere in the world.
If selected, we ask Artists for a £22 contribution (like crowdfunding) and/or to give some of their time, as we are all volunteers. Please read our FAQs here to find out more.
See all 20 projects open to submissions on our home page: