Out of the Dark
Venue: Bath Artists Studios BA1 3AJ
Open 27 May - 12 June, 11am - 4pm daily
Call 01225 482 480 to check bank holiday & w/e opening times
This year's Fresh Art@ Exhibition`Out of the Dark' showcases new artwork to enliven the walls of clinical settings.
The Fresh Art@ Project is an innovative partnership project with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP), Creativity Works, Bath Museums: Museum of Bath Architecture, The Holburne Museum and The American Museum and Gardens, Bath Mind and local artists.
Everyone involved in this project believes that creativity can make a significant difference to people’s lives by inspiring and supporting them to have fun, be creative, learn new transferable skills, improve health and wellbeing and connect with communities.
Working with Creativity Works artists, support workers and volunteers, the Fresh Art@ project has enabled participants to realise their creative potential, increase independence and create routes to volunteering, education and employment.
Projects like Fresh Art@ respond to prevention initiatives and create long-term savings in social care and health services whilst supporting people through periods of transition in their lives.
Image © Cosmo Born, The Dude