“A person entering the space of non-place is relieved of his usual determinants. He becomes no more than what he does or experiences in the role of passenger, customer, or driver. . . . The space of non-place creates neither singular identity nor relations; only solitude, and similitude” (Auge,1995).
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Non Place Collective are a group of artists who individually respond to a place of transience whilst retaining the authorship of a collective. Collaboration is key for engagement, support and inclusivity.
Artist / Curators:
Julie Lane - painting on 3D structures - @julie_lane_art - julielaneartist.wixsite.com
Lisa Sanders - print + sound - @iamlisasanders - lisasanders.co.uk
Marina Iodice - @marina_jodice - mariice.wixsite.com
Robert Oros - video projection + print - @oros.robert - robert-oros.com
Participating Artists:
Cameron Lings - sculpture - @cameron_lings_
Johanna Bolton - sculpture - @johanna.bolton - johannabolton.com
Marek Liska - drawing - @marek.liska_
Sylwia Kuniewska - print - cargocollective.com/silkustudio
Gustavo Ferro - Drawings - @Gustavo_s_ferro - gustavoferro.org
Jeremy Gluck - @nonceptualism - axisweb.org/p/jeremygluck
Andrea Isa - video - @andreaisa326 - Andrea-Isa.de
David Dixon - Paintings/film - dgdixon.com
Claudio Pestana- Floor markings - @cmdcp - info286905.wixsite.com/claudiopestana
Mez Kerr Jones - #mezkerrjones - mezkerrjones.com
Tiff Oben - @tiffoben_art - tiffoben.Wordpress.com
Nikki Alford - @nikkiallford_art
Niko Mitsuko - @nikomitsuko - nikomitsuko.com
Luis Tapia Munoz - @figurefiveone - figurefiveone.com
Megan Jackson - @meg.jacksonart
Ivana Puskan - @ivana.puskas - ivanapuskas.com
Ally McGinn - @ally.mcgin - allymcginn.com
Tongue of blade ‡ Ears of mud is a compilation of contemporary sonic art.
Chloe Langlois - @clolanglois
Anita Marante - @anita_arhh
Amélie McKee - @amelie.mckee
Melle Nieling - @mellenieling
Alessandro Moroni - @utopian_realism
Nexcyia - @nexcyia
Louise Ørsted Jensen - @louiseoerstedi
Kevin Siwoff - @kevinsiwoff
Luis Tapia - @figurefiveone
Effy Harle - @effy_harle
Pedro Tavares - @galeristamercantil
Finbar Prior - @finbarprior
Album Art: Faye Rita Robinson - @fr_robinson