FaB Festival 24 May - 8 June 2024
2024 - The Commons.jpeg

The Commons

The Commons

Exhibition venue: Bath Artists’ Studios • BA1 3AJ
Open 11am - 6pm • Sat 8 June 2024

Events on 7 + 8 June at both Newark Works + Bath Artists’ Studios
Both venues are accessible with toilet, for full details see map : fringeartsbath.co.uk/map

A group of socially engaged artists come together to creatively connect, explore and exchange ideas, politics and the social potential of ‘the commons’ and ‘commoning’.

‘Commoning’ is a social practice of radical transformation of how we consider common ground, community engagement and community resources.

Curated by Social Circles & Social Art Network B&NES
insta @socialartnetworkbanes
insta @social__circles