FaB Festival 24 May - 8 June 2024
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Chats About Creative Processes - Barbara Machado (Paradise in Pieces)

4pm UK time - 12:00 Brazilian time


Chats About Creative Processes invites Barbara Machado to talk about her vídeo-performance Once of Them. Send your questions to Curator @mariliaennes via instagram: visit www.fringeartsbath.co.uk/paradise & scroll down to watch Barbara’s video first.

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Papos sobre processos criativos

Convida Barbara Machado para falar sobre seu vídeo-performance Sendo com Elas. Parte do Projeto Paraíso em Pedaços com curadoria de Marília Ennes. Dê uma olhada no vídeo e envie sua pergunta para instagram @mariliaennes

Image © Barbara Machado, still from performance Once of Them

Image © Barbara Machado, still from performance Once of Them

Part of the Project Paradise in Pieces curated by Marília Ennes www.fringeartsbath.co.uk/paradise

More about the artist @Barbramachado