Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

This is not a shop

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Fringe Arts Bath, in collaboration with Bath Fringe brings you ‘This is not a shop’, a collection of exhibitions, films, live art, theatre, music and performance for 6 weeks in our latest pop-up venue in central Bath.

24 July to 27 August - 0pen Weds to Sunday - 12noon to 5pm - 5 Broad Street, Bath BA1 5LJ (click for map)

Featuring Non Place Collective, Kate McDonall, Pedro Ramalho, Artmusic, Anne Murray: Automatic Sight for the Museum of Unfulfilled Dreams, Paul Bradley, Richard DeDomenici, Chris Dobrowolski with more names, dates and details to be announced imminently.

A melting pot of concepts, approaches, materials and thoughts which have been brewing over the last 16 months will accumulate over these 6 weeks, This is not a shop gives space to a collective of minds for you to experience, question and enjoy.

We encourage you to visit more than once as many works are far from static, and to experience our events and changing program of Artists.

This project was made possible by funding from Arts Council England (also lots and lots of hard work by lots of wonderful people)

This is What went on: