Fringe Arts Bath


Who are CARU? What is CARU

CARU | Contemporary Arts ReSearch Unit is an interdisciplinary research platform, led by arts researchers and practitioners from an array of disciplines.

ACTivate is a new project for CARU, in our 6th year of collaboration with Fringe Arts Bath for performers who make/collect/assemble/destroy objects and activate them in their work. See submission details at

image © CARU 2020

image © CARU 2020

Currently based in Oxford and working closely with local and national organisations, CARU promotes an ethos of collaborative practice by organising and participating in diverse cultural activities, from academic seminars and conferences to exhibitions of artworks and performances. We aim to provide an open and active forum for exchange of ideas and information, assisting artists and researchers in taking their work outside of studios and institutions to share their work and engage directly with the public.

image © CARU 2020

image © CARU 2020

CARU works closely with various research units and arts organisations, such as the School of Arts at Oxford Brookes University (, Playground (, OVADA (Oxfordshire Visual Arts Development Agency –, FaB (Fringe Arts Bath –, Confluence Collective Oxford (, Oxford Improvisers (, MUE (, and Rafiki, amongst many others. Founded in September 2013, CARU is currently funded by the generous donations and support in kind from the associate artists, researchers and the public.

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