Exhibition set up, Opening and everything in between
After a pretty manic but also extremely fruitful two weeks 'Out Of The Archive' has been realised and is now showing in Bath Central Library!
Highlights of the past two weeks include 'Out Of The Archive' exhibition catalogues: A limited number of catalogues were designed, produced and printed with exhibiting artist Ellie Mawby's help: formed from printed tracing paper these reflect the shows aesthetic and are available for members of the public to take away, in keeping with these exhibition labels were also written and prepared. Press release’s written and sent. Posters and flyers went out to key locations within Bath and were promoted online. Wood was cut and assembled to create 3D structures for hanging work, plinths were painted, cabinet parts transported and constructed to form a cabinet for Illustration exhibits…..In just two days work was eventually hung after some divering on the curators part and innovative hanging methods! A new TV/DVD player was found and installed in time for the exhibition opening after a faulty appeared on the scene. Library windows were transformed into live illustrative narratives. Original source examples were selected, prepared and printed on parchment style paper before being curated into an exhibit of piles, a festival banner was sought, cleaned and now hangs in place of bold green council writing, exhibition labels and vinyl lettering were applied and finally a selection of well deserved drinks arrived in the space on Friday evening in time for the opening and our first visitor Colin Johnston from Bath record office.
A visual insight into the above....more of the exhibition and individual works in the post follow up below….
Hanging work of the 'Dark Matter group'- contemporary responses to material on the 'Trial and Execution of Richard Gillam for the wilful murder of Maria Bagnell'
Ellie Mawby's 'Come into company Bathis your place'. (window drawings) Left: 2D works/orginal sources
Toby Webb: 'The Duel' (Film)
Phil Toy: 'Fenfe & Chattelf' (Sense & Chattels)
Left: Orginal archives reproduced on parchment paper and composed into an exhibit of piles with varying heights place the works in context.
A few more photos highlighting the variety of work on show....exhibits include Grace Holiday's- 'The Objects of Ornamentation'; described by Grace as 'a contemporary archive of historic Georgian features' a cabinet displays a selection of intricate illustrations. Sophie Starkey's 'Stakeholder Analysis: Supply and Demand'; a colourful, intricate and lively piece- perspex printed with various imagery including orginal archives provides a window into the Georgian world of rich and poor. This is offset by a ornate window cling . Ellie Mawby's narrative window drawing 'Come into Company.Bath is Your Place' refelects Lady Luxbroughs dreamy and utopian view of Bath whilst Phil Toy's 'Fenfe and Chattelf', a plinth with decorative mouldings, found plexiglass vitrines and written text is essentially a work of satire. Close up's of 2D works to follow shortly.