Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

Out of the Archive


Over the past couple of weeks publicity has been going up around various locations in Bath to promote ‘Out Of The Archive’. Locations include Bath Record office itself, galleries, art shops, artist studios and Bath Spa University campus’s Dartmouth Avenue & Sion Hill. The aim of this material was to evoke awareness of the project to the public, raise the projects profile and call artists to the project. This has resulted in public interest and more enquiries about the project, which (without saying too much) include some very strong & exciting submissions indeed! This means that by the time the next set of publicity is produced which will utilize the same design but advertise the exhibition opening, duration dates and location there will already be some familiarity and recognition with the project amongst the public which can only be a good thing!

Fringe Arts Bath FaB