Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

Out of the Archive

Project Update

The possibilities for 'Out of The Archive' are really beginning to take off due to the specific interests of applicants so far, the help & enthusism of city Archivist Colin Johnston & the range of material available at the record office and Bath City Libary.... Here's an insight into whats happened lately:


Meeting and presenting the project to a group of Bath Spa MA Fine Students who are interested in becoming involved has led to the possibility of a group submission- The group identify themselves as 'Darkmatter' which may reveal something about what side of Baths Georgian Period they wish to explore and potentially expose!....                                              


Having recorded the interest submitted from individuals so far and discussed potential ideas I met City Archivist 'Colin Johnston' to discuss these ideas in relation to the archive material available at Guildhall- seeing as this is where the initial stimulus will be souced from- although ideas from this can be followed up elsewhere. The good news is he was extremely enthusiastic and confident about sourcing materials in relation to the variety of ideas proposed so far (see his notes made during our meeting below!. To allow him time to draw up a selection of documents for me we agreed I would return in two weeks- As you can imagine I am very excited about viewing his findings this coming Thursday and will be following up on this after...Not wanting to reveal too much at the moment I will say these sources will integrate subjects such as medicine, science, The Spa, crime, architecture and satire. 


Over the weekend I have been immersing myself in background reading on Bath's Georgian period; Following up my visit to Bath record office with a visit to Bath City libary I realised the local history section had a variety of books in relation to the Georgian period and whats more some of the above subjects- Books I currently have out  include 'Hot Bath, the story of the spa', 'The Hospital of the Nation'; Roger Rolls (This tells the story of Baths Mineral Water Hospital with accompanying illustrations) and 'Thermal Baths of Bath- Their History, Literature, Medical & Surgical Uses and Effects' by Henry William Freeman which I haven't started yet. There are many there and I suggest a visit to the libary and browse/read of some of these books and their content would definitely be useful for anyone interested in this project, Not only will it help place 'Out Of The Archive' in its full context, It may also spark the kind of archive sources you'd be interested in responding too and will definitely enhance your knowledge of the periods significance in Bath.....





Fringe Arts Bath FaB