Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

FaB Blog

With 3 left weeks left we've added some submission opportunities...

Image © Still of street performance from A FaB Intervention 2016 #FaB16

Image © Still of street performance from A FaB Intervention 2016 #FaB16

The deadline for most FaB Artist submissions is 20th March, and we've got a few additional call-outs for you to engage with too. These exhibitions & events will form the amazing 17 day festival of visual arts we call Fringe Arts Bath...

FaB Festival 2018 - Fri 25 May to Sun 10 June

Image © Pennie Elfick, Disturbance 6. Bath Open Art Prize 2017 #FaB17

Image © Pennie Elfick, Disturbance 6. Bath Open Art Prize 2017 #FaB17

The Bath Open Art Prize 2018

*Deadline 28 April*



Artists in all mediums are invited to enter the Bath Open Art prize, now in its 6th year. Selected works will be shown at 44ad during FaB 2018.
£20 per submission.
To find out more about The Bath Open Art Prize 2018, judges, awards and how to enter, please click here...

Bath Photography Festival 2018

We bring you the first ‘Bath Photography Festival’. The aim of the festival is to promote photography as a way of communicating ideas and thoughts.
We would like to invite photographers to submit a series of images that respond to the theme, ‘Real / Unreal’. This is a chance to promote and share your work in Bath.
To find out more click here...

Biography in Cloth



This exhibition is about the potential for biography, narrative and personal history in cloth and textile media
To find out more click here...


Doorways are thresholds to somewhere new. Featuring in religion, myth, ritual, literature and art, doorways represent new opportunities, arrivals, departures, imprisonment, birth, death: moving in, moving out, moving on. This exhibition will invite artists to explore the symbolism and significance of this space between the ‘now’ and the ‘next’.
To find out more click here...

FaB Art Market 03/06/18

*no deadline*
Calling contemporary artists, crafts-people and makers to exhibit and sell work at our outdoor market. Welcoming diverse, innovative, fresh artworks with a relaxed Sunday vibe and street performers.
£20 per stall:

FaB Photomarathon 05/05/18

*no deadline*
You have 20 themes to illustrate, in the right order, in 10 hours. Do you accept the challenge? Open to all who like taking photographs, the results will be exhibited during FaB 2017. £10 entry/£5 conc. For info and to register:


This stems from my own fondness for ranting and moaning about things, and a frustration from trying to get exposure and pay for my work. I use an ex-toiletry vending machine as a self contained method of partially bypassing potential gallery bias and to get affordable art to the public.
To find out more click here...




Bath is presently stuck with a transport system that is not moving. We need artists of all disciplines to be mischievous, eccentric and alchemic to create ideas for movement of all kinds that will engage the public and lead to cultural shift and behaviour change, to recognise that we do not live beneath the sky, but within it.
To find out more click here...



Inviting text / language based work, writing in innovative formats for a curated website and possible publication. Looking for connection with or reference to Bath, FaB festival, or fringe art in some way. 
To find out more click here...

It Sounds Devicive!

With a focus on listening & interaction - Can we create new ways to engage the listener in a yet to be discovered audio realm? Can we form a dialogue between devices or machines & the sounds they make, within the space they inhabit?
To find out more click here...


Textiling with the more-than-human

Calling textile artists to interact with (in)visible ecologies; the human & more-than-human: plant, animal, mineral, elements, & imaginary KINdoms via stitch, print, paint, weave, knit, dye, fabric manipulation media. This project draws on new materialist ‘flow of agency’ between 2D/3D, text/image, trad crafts and contemporary mediums.
To find out more click here...


You can say the word live in two ways. live is an initiative that will bring both definitions together, in a series of exhibitions, installations and performances in the heritage city of Bath. live is planned as a key element of FaB18, next year’s manifestation of the city’s celebrated festival of contemporary visual art. It is scheduled for the two weeks May 25 – June 10, 2018.
To find out more click here...

Living in Hyperreality

Hyperreality is the postmodern condition of being unable to distinguish reality from the simulation of it. The collapsing of reality and rise of technology has created fertile ground for creative discourse. So how do emerging contemporary artists explore their lived and experienced hyperrealities? All mediums are relevant and invited.
To find out more click here...

LoL = Lexicon of Lust

The Dalai Llama complains that things are being loved whilst people are being used. death + glitter believe the Dalai Llama to be wrong. We welcome modified objects/assemblages/interventions along the theme of 'Lust' i.e. 'things' that can be worshipped for their...'ness'.
To find out more click here...



Celebrating the fleeting moments in life. The sensual moments that remain in our memories but in reality were as brief as a flock of starlings moving across a dusky sky.
To find out more click here...

Nature Morte

Still Life traditionally attempts to preserve the ephemeral through meticulous accuracy, and yet often depicts decay. Therefore a death is presented as a creative act in itself. 'Nature Morte' will attempt to expand this idea and revel in the paradox; this exhibition aims to linger in the withering.
To find out more click here...

Normal papers

The unassuming simplicity and aesthetic qualities of to-do lists, visual plans, how I explain with pictures and diagrams, shopping lists, notes left to others in the house, lists written for others and more...
To find out more click here...

Only Human

Rates of anxiety and depression in young people have increased by 70% over the last 25 years.
Looking at themes so current in our culture, we encourage artists working in all mediums to consider and respond to the issue of human vs technology and the impact on our mental health.
To find out more click here...

Pavilion of Painting

The ‘Pavilion of Painting’ an experimental art space with a focus on painting in its widest form, from drawing to performance, figurative painting or landscape to abstraction. Encouraging and reflecting a contemporary survey of painting today, so vibrant in the area of Bath. ‘A space for the imagination and a place for everyone to explore.’
To find out more click here...

Radical social practice

Artists who's work brings people together, promotes debate, confronts convention, l alternative ways with the intent of exposing injustice within our society. Artists who make a conscious effort to facilitate and participate in social change.
If we want respect, love and beauty among us, we must actively promote it.
To find out more click here...

Real / Unreal

We would like to invite photographers to submit a series of images that respond to the theme, ‘Real / Unreal’. This is a chance to promote and share your work in Bath.
In association with Fringe Arts Bath Festival we bring you the first ‘Bath Photography Festival’. The aim of the festival is to promote photography as a way of communicating ideas and thoughts.
To find out more click here...

Soft Rebellion

Calling for exciting new talent! We’re looking for artists whose work reflects themes of Meta-Modernism. Show-casing artists of all mediums, this exhibition is a rejection of both modernist and post-modernist schools of thought, and a celebration of sincerity, fluidity and informed naivety.
To find out more click here...


Contemporary culture is increasingly characterised by a nostalgia for the very recent past.This exhibition will seek to examine this phenomenon with a focus on the impact of nostalgia on our cultural, political and economic lives, whilst examining what has led this reorganisation of contemporary experience. Submissions from all disciplines welcome.
To find out more click here...

This Temporary Matter

Ephemeral works including - but not limited to - installation, sculpture and live/performance that further explore vanitas and memento mori concerns by using mediums that also have a definite life span to examine the absurdity / humour / excitement / sadness / wonder / freedom / truth in it all.
To find out more click here...

Without darkness there is no light

Artists of many disciplines have been inspired by this phenomenon through time and how that has been expressed in their work has varied enormously.This diversity in itself is wonderfully exciting and we invite contemporary explorers of this subject in any discipline to apply to exhibit with us.
To find out more click here...

Submissions from Groups & Collectives

Inviting artist groups & collectives with work of a high standard that they wish to show. Submit up to 500 words with images of the work (or past works if it’s a new project).


*no deadline*

Join the team! We're always looking for help, from regular festival production sessions throughout the year, to festival set-up & take-down, event stewards, invigilators, photographers, data collectors and other ad-hock help.
To find out more about volunteering click here...

Image ©Luke Tupper, Prosthesis. From the exhibition Prostethic Impulse, curated by Jack Parrott and Kate Parrott, 2015 #FaB15

Image ©Luke Tupper, Prosthesis. From the exhibition Prostethic Impulse, curated by Jack Parrott and Kate Parrott, 2015 #FaB15

Fringe Arts Bath FaB