Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

FaB Blog


An invitation to artists, curators and others to join in an ambitious creative encounter with the vital themes of growth and decay

You can say the word live in two ways. live is an initiative that will bring both definitions together, in a series of exhibitions, installations and performances in the heritage city of Bath.

live is planned as a key element of FaB18, next year’s manifestation of the city’s celebrated contemporary art festival. It is scheduled for the two weeks May 25 – June 10, and will feature a series of exhibitions of arresting and original visual art, together with a series of live interventions, involving artists, poets, musicians, film and video makers, along with leaders of conversations that will lead in unexpected directions. This list is not exclusive. We welcome the contributions of scientists, activists and other kinds of specialist.

The theme is clear and urgent, but the specific directions that the work will take have yet to be established. Our minds are open and our ambitions are high. FaB18 is inviting potential contributors to join in a conversation about how live might take shape. The conversation can be face-to-face or online. At this stage, geography is no barrier.


The core venue is set as Walcot Chapel, in central Bath, the tree-filled cemetery which surrounds it and the intimate park alongside. The Tardis-like chapel has been a welcoming venue for memorable exhibitions and events for several decades now. On this occasion, we intend that it should take on something of the form of a living, growing (and possibly decaying) organism. And this sense of growth and decay should spread out into the surroundings… into the graveyard, the park and along Walcot Street into the heart of the city. We wish to explore ways of using growth and decay as the medium as well as the message.

With planning, we can extend the number venues across Bath and beyond. We are also happy to establish productive relationships with organisations as well as individuals. FaB has been successfully organising exhibitions in an extraordinary range of venues for a dozen years now. And, over time, it has built up positive relationships with hundreds of curators and thousands of artists, as well as scores of institutions.

Artists and curators from all over the world -with a wide range of experience- have contributed to previous FaB festivals. If your idea is a good one, with a strong chance of being realised, we shall endeavour to support it. The sooner you contact us the sooner we can start to talk.

Geoff Dunlop - Lead Curator, live

Fringe Arts Bath FaB