Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

FaB Blog


Pop-Up Docs present Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Screen Daily say: "The warm paunchy prankster is a ready-made star; an affable anti-Warhol with a zinger Confucian-style line for every right that he says the Chinese government is denying its citizens."

Picktainment say: "Alison's stirring documentary is a broad look at the life of a man who has become the hottest name in the contemporary art world and one of the most dangerous men in communist China."

Fringe Arts Bath say: "Come see it for yourselves"

Saturday 8th June at 8pm in FaB4, 44AD Artspace. This a a free event, arrive early to ensure a seat.

Fringe Arts Bath FaB