Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

#FaB19 Curators Blog

Self: Artist - Liat Berdugo & Emily Martinez

‘Anxious to Make’ is a collaboration by artist’s Liat Berdugo & Emily Martinez. Their video ‘Liat Berdugo + Emily Martinez as Five Twin’ will be playing at SELF, Fringe Arts Bath. 24th May - June 9th.

‘Our focus is on economic concepts, such as cryptocurrencies and the so-called “sharing economy”, and the accelerationist, neoliberal landscapes associated with them.Our work examines how these economic concepts intersect with colonialism, technology, wealth culture, race, altruism, utopianism, and exploitation. Anxious to Make believes in absurdist extremes as way to examine contemporary realities.’

Image © Liat Berdugo & Emily Martinez, still from video ‘Liat Berdugo + Emily Martinez as Five Twins’

Image © Liat Berdugo & Emily Martinez, still from video ‘Liat Berdugo + Emily Martinez as Five Twins’