Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

#FaB18 Curators blog

ISD! Introductions: Cosmic Latte


Cosmic Latte 

Founded in the former USSR by Juan Covelli, an ex-KGB mechanic and two creatively-frustrated baristas, Andrew Kiddie and Neale Willis, Cosmic Latte embarked on its artistic journey in 2005 and then again in 2008.

The trio met while studying photography at the prestigious Central Saint Martins but it was a series of freak accidents involving the college Nespresso machine that really helped forge their relationship.

Their most recent collaboration, The Problem With Spoons, was inspired by Sergio’s collection of forks and caused quite a stir when it premiered at The Ideal Home Exhibition in Mumbai.

They’re currently holed up in their Clacton studio working on their 49th commission, which they’re keeping under wraps for now, but which they promise will be an interactive experience based loosely on the life and work of Gloria Hunniford.

With a combined age of just 210, the trio are looking to the future and seeking commissions from as far afield as Carlisle and the Isle of Wight.

Individual member links:


Print 10 It Sounds Devicive! FaB18

The rhythm of the printer head as it goes backward an forward, the whine of pins hitting the roller, the rustle of the paper as it slowly piles on the floor. 

10 print; is the sounds of a recent but by-gone age made by a sculptural piece consisting of dot-matrix printer gently rocking as it prints aimlessly away. 

What it prints is yet to be decided.