Ally McGinn, Exhibiting Artist
Ally McGinn
Ally McGinn will be exhibiting a series of changing sculptures entitled Still Life in White.
“I am a conceptually representational painter and installation artist, working within a narrative that questions perceptions of art and the conditions of painting.
Incorporating a combination of found objects, manipulated semiotics and painterly language that aims to question our perceptions of the things we are looking at, and the ways we are looking at them.
Examining the functional object in painting. Invoking the dialogue within value. Re-presenting artefact.
My practice represents the process of making, and re-presents that process to the viewer, beginning new conversations between materials, viewer and space.
Referencing still life, these temporary artworks change over time. The preservational qualities of painting are here subverted by the reality of these fragile objects. Equalising form and surface, the painted objects are both silhouette and highlight.
Still life objectified. Purpose preserved. Form re-presented. Painting decaying.” Ally McGinn, 2018.
Still Life in white, fruit with acrylic paint, 2018, Ally McGinn.