Fringe Arts Bath : 23 May - 7 June 2025

#FaB18 Curators blog

Doorways call-out now LIVE!

Calling all artists, sculptors, designers, makers, poets, photographers, creatives...

We want your responses to the theme of 'Doorways'.

Doorways are thresholds to somewhere new. They are a physical symbol of the moment of transition between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next’. Doorways represent new opportunities, departures, arrivals; moving in, moving out, moving on. Doorways can be full of promise and hope, of new beginnings. Or they can be laced with fear, representing the unknown or the unseen.

We want your responses to the theme of ‘doorways’. You can interpret this however you wish - literally, figuratively, metaphorically, symbolically, allegorically... We welcome works in any medium including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, textiles, printmaking etc. 

We want to you 'wow' us; we want you to surprise us; we want you to challenge us and to engage us. We want you to provoke thought, introspection, emotion and discussion amongst our visitors.

We'll be posting regularly on this blog with ideas, suggestions, practical information and updates. You can also follow us @DoorwaysArt2018 on Twitter for more.

Doorways are all about choice: forward or back? Stay or go? In or out? This door or another? Which doorway will you go through?

FaB CuratorDoorways