Fringe Arts Bath (FaB)

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The Bath Open Art Prize 2024 is open to entries

Win cash prizes and exhibition opportunities with FaB’s 12th annual Bath Open Art Prize.

The Bath Open Art Prize (BOAP) is truly open; this is a global call-out welcoming you wherever you live, whatever you make, whatever your level of experience, your age…

Works will be selected with Fringe Arts Bath’s (FaB’s) inclusive ethos in mind, if the judges think your work deserves to be shared, no matter your skill level, you might well be selected.


A group exhibition of works selected by this year’s BOAP judges Karen Wallis, Artist, and Leonie Bradley, Artist and Editor, will be shown at 44AD artspace in Bath, UK, from 10 to 26 October 2024.

Prizes include:

Entry fees:

  • £22 for 1 artwork

  • £33 for up to 3 artworks

Entry fees go to support Fringe Arts Bath’s activities beyond the BOAP, including Fringe Arts Bath Festival in spring 2025. We warm-heartedly thank you and our prize sponsors for supporting FaB!